What's Good Ya'll! Happy Holidays to those who celebrate and to those who do not I hope you are enjoying any time off with those you love or with self. This time of year can be both pleasant and tough for many so I'm sending a ton of love virtually to you, YES YOU! <3
Now picture this, its 2016 and you're surfing Youtube to find new music. You come across this song called 'Bad Blood' by Nao and your musical world is forever changed. At this point you HAVE to see Nao in concert after listening to her album a thousand times. You catch a Sunday show in Brooklyn and because she's a fairly new artist during this time the venue is small and quaint, general standing admission only. Every artist has an opening act but she's not on the level of Janet Jackson, so the opening, you may not know who it is until the show starts, this happened to be one of those times. The lights go out in the room making it pitch black and then you see red lights on stage and this really strange looking artist walks on stage. You're so confused, his head is completely shaved, he has tattoos and piercings all over his face and he's dressed sort of like a monk. At the time you are giving major side eye like are we bout to have a ritual of some sort that I did not subscribe to? The artist then opens his mouth and begins to sing and the most beautiful, angelic voice starts to come through the mic and you're in complete awe. This person looks NOTHING like he sounds and it made you even more intrigued! Who is he?! The song ends, he begins another, your are mesmerized. He finally introduces himself, Serpentwithfeet... WHAT?! lol At this point the voice, the name, the stage presence, you're a fan and you must know more!

Josiah Wise aka Serpentwithfeet, captivated my musical soul in 2016 and I've been a fan ever since. Hailing from my hometown of Baltimore, MD, I have been waiting for the world to take more notice in this rising R&B/Soul artist for a few years now.
Releasing his third studio album entitled 'Grip' on February 16, 2024, Serpentwithfeet delivers the single 'DamnGloves' ahead of the release. Now I'mma keep it all the way real with ya'll I love Serpentwithfeet but he has to grow on you. He's kind of like the male version of SZA. I classify them both more as Alternative R&B/Soul artists. They do not strictly stick to the basics and fundamentals of R&B and the writing styles of these artists make you feel as if you are at a poetry slam listening to someone read multiple Haiku's in one sitting, gripping but still slightly befuddled and yearning for more.
'Damn Gloves', however is nothing at all like how I'm describing Serpentwithfeet, as a matter of fact his entire look and sound has changed quite a bit since that first show where I was introduced to him in 2016. Now rocking a full head of hair, less facial tattoos and piercings; Serpentwithfeet seems to borrow from his hometown by incorporating Baltimore Club Music with his latest single. I'm not mad at this more clean-cut, mainstream version of Serpentwithfeet as he continues to collaborate with other well known artists within the industry pulling in Ty Dolla $ign and YangaYaYa for this single. He's very much still Alternative R&B with this new track and for me, its a bop for real lol I love it, it makes me want to listen to Baltimore club music after it goes off so I'm really eager to check out the album and see what the rest of the tracks are going to sound like.
Now I still don't really know who Serpentwithfeet is and after this release I'm hoping I can see him in concert again and I'm putting this in the air I want to personally interview this artist, I have been enraptured by his sound and stage presence since 2016 and I just need to know more!
Make sure you do yourself a favor and check out Serpentwithfeet, while his actual music may or may not fit you, he has so many featured songs as well with other artists that are just as beautiful as his sound. Let me know what ya'll think, Peace!